Totalitarianism Featured Turn them into teenage Shari'a enforcers: jihad's generational wedge, Part 4 The "straight path" to Islam is Shari'a. Most Muslims demand Shari'a because they are supposed to demand Shari'a, but they have no idea what they are demanding because lay Muslims are not supposed to know Shari'a. Such knowledge is the preserve of the "scholars".
Jihad Featured Break their minds while they're young: jihad's generational wedge, Part 1 The Muslim mind has difficulty with hypotheses, role-play and fiction. None of these are the truth, therefore they are lies. An imagination accustomed to the subtleties of fiction has no problem reading facts interspersed with flights of fancy. It does not fear letting go. This Islam fears the most.
Israel Featured Great things beckon Israel, Part 1 The Druze living within the borders of Israel saved themselves from jihad by making a deal with the Jewish state. The Christians chose the path of capitulation, the end result of which is all too evident today.
Jihad Featured Israel vs Iran: The targets no one is talking about, Part 2 First a brutal Arab Sunni dictator, then a ruthless Arab Shi'a tyrant, followed by a brutal Iranian Shi'a dictator. Diverse, yes, but they had one aim, to destroy Israel with the ultimate weapon, and a common ideology, Islam.
Jihad Featured Israel vs Iran: The targets no one is talking about, Part 1 Qom is where Shari'a is turned into state policy, where the nuts and bolts of the totalitarian terror state are dreamt up, and where the bureaucracy that codifies the legal enforcement of Islamic oppression is trained. The evil that kills so many springs not from Tehran, but from Qom.
Islam Featured Child sacrifice and Islam Montezuma… took their children to sacrifice to his idols. —Hernán Cortés, The Second Letter to Charles V.
Propaganda Featured Muslims must not debate, will not debate, cannot debate. Part 4 We have all seen Muslims bolt from debates at Speakers' Corner and heard them cut the call on Christian Prince's YouTube channel. When overwhelmed with evidence and unable to dominate, their centre can no longer hold, and things fall apart.
Propaganda Featured Muhammad said Muslims are “scum and rubbish.” The October massacre proves him right. While Gazans remain in Gaza, their priority will be the destruction of Israel. Normal human priorities will only come when far from the Middle East. What Gazans make of themselves once away from Israel is none of Israel’s concern. Israel needs to worry about those who remain.
Propaganda Featured Muhammad said Muslims are “scum and rubbish.” The October massacre proves him right. Contrary to the ruling orthodoxy, the Palestinians are not a nation without a land, but a nation without a people. In place of the positive principle of a people preserving their kind, they can only boast the negative principle of annihilating another people.
Jihad Featured Give the Qur'an to Jews! The message this sends to the Palestinians is: no matter how many Jews they massacre, even if they are at war with Israel, the Jews will still let them in. This is not idiocy on the part of Israeli Ministers; this is active subversion.
Jihad Featured Give the Qur'an to Jews! The bizarre situation in which Muslims are welcomed as citizens of Israel, but non-Halakhic Jews are seen as a threat to the state, is simply storing up trouble that can still easily be avoided.
Jihad Featured Who sympathises with the Palestinians and how?* From time to time we heard about racist content in Palestinian textbooks, but were silent because we were afraid of accidentally linking it to Islam.
Jihad Featured Israel inching towards the i-word, sort of If the message is still not getting through, Israel cannot be a normal country because in no normal country does seventy-four percent of the population go around with a price on their head.
Propaganda Featured Israel inching towards the i-word, sort of Denying jihad means denying Islam, which means denying Muslims, which means denying the war in which 1.6 billion are religiously obligated to exterminate 15 million. Thus did hasbara aid Soviet/Palestinian propaganda in exchanging Goliath for David.
Jihad Featured Israel inching towards the i-word, sort of The declaration is replete with religious references, that it reminds every single Muslim on earth, “You know what your duty is.” Every single Arab Muslim in Gaza, Israel and Judea and Samaria is mobilised to attack the Jews, their army and their state.
Israel Featured Orwell, Jabotinsky, Fascism and Islam - Part 5 I find it very hard to believe that Ze'ev Jabotinsky was not aware of the Führer's deference toward Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, especially after the end of WWI. The link between Islam and the predicament facing the Jews must have been coming at Jabotinsky from all sides.
Israel Featured Orwell, Jabotinsky, Fascism and Islam - Part 4 The Arab Riots focussed Jabotinsky's attention on the practical urgency of saving European Jews from being murdered and securing for them their national home. The Helsingfors Programme was immediately to hand. If it was good enough to understand Russia, it was good enough to understand Palestine
Totalitarianism Featured Orwell, Jabotinsky, Fascism and Islam - Part 2 "At every hour of every day, I can tell you on which page of which book each school child in Italy is studying." — Benito Mussolini
Polemics Featured There are NO human rights violations in Iran: Answer to Dr Alon Ben-Meir There are no human rights in Islam, so there can be no human rights in an Islamic Republic. There are no human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, so there can be no human rights violations in Iran.
Propaganda Featured Misguiding the Perplexed - Part 1 Rabbi Pinchas Taylor deliberately constructs a wall of vague generalisations and misleading obfuscations behind which to hide the horrors of Islam, thereby offering Islam a place from which to ambush his sedated congregation.
Robert Spencer Austria: Mosque found to be hub for jihad terrorist recruitment A mosque is not a place of worship. It is a recruitment and operations centre. A madrassa is not a school. It is an indoctrination centre. We have to start from what things are, not from what we imagine, or would like, them to be.
Jihad Featured Anatomy of a madness, Part 4 I read The Satanic Verses in the winter of 1996-97, unemployed and frozen, and again in the winter of 2014-15, Charlie Hebdo on TV 24/7. The third time was in that magical realist summer of 2020, with a fresh-ish MFA to my name, to study the work as art. 12 August 2022: the author survived.
Jihad Featured Anatomy of a madness, Part 1 I read The Satanic Verses in the winter of 1996-97, unemployed and frozen, and again in the winter of 2014-15, Charlie Hebdo on TV 24/7. The third time was in that magical realist summer of 2020, with a fresh-ish MFA to my name, to study the work as art. 12 August 2022: the author survived.
Muslim Brotherhood When your enemy is the Muslim Brotherhood and their enemy is atheism, which one is your friend? A Muslim converting to another religion is bad, but to deny the existence of Allah is to destroy Islam, expose all prophets as frauds, and show that placing the “people of knowledge” over those who must hear and obey is a monumental scam.
Totalitarianism Totalitarianism: we have become comfortably numb - Part 11 “The matter is summed up for every person alive: either submit, or live under the suzerainty of Islam, or die… Such, then, is the basis of the relationship between the infidel and the Muslim. Battle, animosity and hatred—directed from the Muslim to the infidel—is the foundation of our religion.” AQR