Jihad Featured In Hamas's eyes: whichever side humiliates the other wins To understand them, it is useless to start from us. To understand them, we need to start from them. A Palestinian state, something that only the Jews ever wanted, the Palestinians can no longer dangle as a carrot before them.
Totalitarianism Featured Turn them into teenage Shari'a enforcers: jihad's generational wedge, Part 4 The "straight path" to Islam is Shari'a. Most Muslims demand Shari'a because they are supposed to demand Shari'a, but they have no idea what they are demanding because lay Muslims are not supposed to know Shari'a. Such knowledge is the preserve of the "scholars".
Jihad Featured The jihad against Israel: Muslim Brotherhood seizes the spear from Iran Seize Damascus, for pity's sake. When a jihad army takes control of Damascus, they will slaughter like nothing we have ever seen. Do it for those hapless people, if you cannot do it for yourselves. It is a genocide waiting to happen and you can prevent it.
Totalitarianism Featured Comparing Islam and Nazism: some common misconceptions The horrors perpetrated by the Nazis were concealed from the wider Nazi population for very good reason: they were not cruel enough to stomach it, despite their rabid anti-Semitism. This is why comparing Hamas to the Nazis makes no sense at all.
Jihad Featured Israel vs Iran: The targets no one is talking about, Part 2 First a brutal Arab Sunni dictator, then a ruthless Arab Shi'a tyrant, followed by a brutal Iranian Shi'a dictator. Diverse, yes, but they had one aim, to destroy Israel with the ultimate weapon, and a common ideology, Islam.
Jihad Featured The war within the war: the witch-hunt against Netanyahu, Part 3 "It is incredible what political simpletons Jews are. They shut their eyes to one of the most elementary rules of life, that you must not 'meet halfway' those who do not want to meet you." — Ze'ev Jabotinsky
Jihad Featured Gadi Taub and necessary wars Israel’s war against Iran is as necessary as the Allies’ war against Nazi Germany and Kokka-Shinto Japan to expunge from those nations their barbaric ideologies. Anyone other than Jews defeating Islam in Iran, while Islam is in crisis, will not have the effect.
Israel Featured Netanyahu's address to the Joint Houses of Congress, 25 July 2024, in context. Part 2 As the longest-serving Prime Minister of Israel, no fewer than sixteen years and counting, there is much that Benjamin Netanyahu could have accomplished that no other Prime Minister stood a chance at.
Democracy Featured 4 July in the Land of the Free, the Mother of Parliaments and the Only Democracy in the ME, Part 2 For the people who will now be given free rein on British streets, killing is quite the norm. For them, it is only a matter of whether or not Shari'a permits it. In Shari'a, there is no concept of rape. Wherever Islam advances, it is always the women who become the prey.
Propaganda Featured Is it Islamophobic to call out Ed Husain for his stance on "Islamophobia"? Part 1 Ed Husain is trapped, as is every Muslim who does not revel in “extremism”. I say “extremism” in inverted commas because the concept has no meaning in Islam, and the word has today lost all meaning in English.
Propaganda Featured Dialogue with the deaf and hungry* “Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.” - Charles MacKay, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
Propaganda Featured The resurrection of the monster, or love for crime* We are witnessing the resurrection of the monster of totalitarianism. Young and beautiful Westerners pant with love for murder. They talk about empathy, they hurriedly erase any trace that might tell them the truth about themselves.
Jihad Featured The Annexation of Territory in War: Answer to Dr Meir Finkel, Part 3 Everything Israel proves as fact is immediately and universally dismissed as irrelevant, while everything the Palestinians assert, no matter how preposterous, is immediately and universally imbued with paramount importance. Palestinian propaganda has made veracity itself irrelevant.
Propaganda Featured Muhammad said Muslims are “scum and rubbish.” The October massacre proves him right. I see in this War Cabinet the makings of a coup to form a new, unelected government around Benjamin Netanyahu, Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot that excludes Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich to outright disenfranchise the Jews of Judea and Samaria. It's what the US demands.
Propaganda Featured Muhammad said Muslims are “scum and rubbish.” The October massacre proves him right. Contrary to the ruling orthodoxy, the Palestinians are not a nation without a land, but a nation without a people. In place of the positive principle of a people preserving their kind, they can only boast the negative principle of annihilating another people.
Jihad Featured Muhammad said Muslims are “scum and rubbish.” The October massacre proves him right. People will soon summon one another to attack you. Because of our small numbers? No, you will be numerous then, but you will be scum and rubbish… and Allah will make your enemy not fear you, and cast wahn into your hearts. What is wahn, Messenger of Allah? Love of the world and dislike of death.
Jihad Featured Give the Qur'an to Jews! The cause of Jew-killing has nothing to do with being Jewish and everything to do with Jew-hatred. To say otherwise is to say that Jews would still be killed, even if there were no Jew-hatred.
Jihad Featured Give the Qur’an to Jews! "In Hamas’s eyes, Paris and Rome are the next targets, in their view there is no place for either Jews or Christians in the Islamic caliphate that will be established, and you will be condemned to either convert to Islam or be slaughtered."
Propaganda Featured Israel inching towards the i-word, sort of Denying jihad means denying Islam, which means denying Muslims, which means denying the war in which 1.6 billion are religiously obligated to exterminate 15 million. Thus did hasbara aid Soviet/Palestinian propaganda in exchanging Goliath for David.
Jihad Featured Israel inching towards the i-word, sort of This war must be to extirpate Hamas, the Palestinian Liberation Organisation, Islamic Jihad and Lion’s Den, and not merely to reduce their capabilities or to disarm them. We are not interested in their murdering fewer Jews less often. We want them gone, all of them, totally and for good.
Israel Featured Orwell, Jabotinsky, Fascism and Islam - Part 4 The Arab Riots focussed Jabotinsky's attention on the practical urgency of saving European Jews from being murdered and securing for them their national home. The Helsingfors Programme was immediately to hand. If it was good enough to understand Russia, it was good enough to understand Palestine
Editorials Netanyahu gives substance to "Never again," again. The enemy is not only at the gates. It is in the hearts of Jews and it is in the Knesset. Thankfully, Benjamin Netanyahu knows this, and he is not a timid man. Those who will join him in his new government are not timid either. There is hope.
Muslim Brotherhood When your enemy is the Muslim Brotherhood and their enemy is atheism, which one is your friend? A Muslim converting to another religion is bad, but to deny the existence of Allah is to destroy Islam, expose all prophets as frauds, and show that placing the “people of knowledge” over those who must hear and obey is a monumental scam.
Palestinians The double death of "the Palestinians" - Part 3 The Palestinians had to preside over the supreme humiliation of seeing more than half the "Arab nation" abandon them right there. The Arab states see Israel and they see the opportunity cost of the "Palestinian cause." If ever the writing was on the wall...
Palestinians The double death of "the Palestinians" - Part 1 The kufaar are successful in this life, Muslims are successful in the next life. It's as simple as that. When Muslims sever themselves from the next life, they set their humanity free. They have something to lose here and now, and all the world is better for it. That's the whole story. That's it.