Jihad Featured Q: When is it wrong to rid the world of two major terrorists? A: When Israel does it. They started out desperate for "moderate Muslims," now they are desperate for "moderate terrorists."
Israel Featured Netanyahu's address to the Joint Houses of Congress, 25 July 2024, in context. Part 2 As the longest-serving Prime Minister of Israel, no fewer than sixteen years and counting, there is much that Benjamin Netanyahu could have accomplished that no other Prime Minister stood a chance at.
Propaganda Featured Is it Islamophobic to call out Ed Husain for his stance on "Islamophobia"? Part 1 Ed Husain is trapped, as is every Muslim who does not revel in “extremism”. I say “extremism” in inverted commas because the concept has no meaning in Islam, and the word has today lost all meaning in English.
Totalitarianism Featured So you thought Corbyn was bad... When British police asked the public to report “hate crime” even if they have no evidence and even if no crime has been committed, we see the infrastructure within which “Islamophobia” makes perfect sense: if it's not a crime, it needs no definition. Control becomes arbitrary, power totalitarian.
Debate Featured Answering my critics, Part 2 Let us, first of all, be crystal clear about one thing: if I could become Jewish and Israeli tomorrow, I would seize the opportunity with both hands.
Propaganda Featured What do those who can't see see?* The students fall silent, look at the ground, the journalist expresses thanks for the interview and leaves. When he's gone, one of the students goes "talk to someone about him." "It was weird," he says, brushing the dirt off his jeans. "The organisers need to know about it."
Apostasy Featured Had Orwell but known Islam. Part 4 Doubt is the undoing of Islam, and the antidote to doubt is simple and obvious: remain a Muslim of strong faith. This means to never doubt, remain primitive and simplistic in thought, remain ignorant, and, above all, never trust your own mind.
Jihad Featured What Would “Total Victory” Mean in Gaza? Answer to Col. (res.) Shay Shabtai If “total victory” on the part of Israel does not bring about "a desire among enemy leadership to fundamentally change its hostile attitude toward Israel and sign peace agreements with it that end the military conflict," then what is "total" about such a victory?
Jihad Featured The Annexation of Territory in War: Answer to Dr Meir Finkel, Part 1 Some societies and cultures consider themselves as permanently at war. When not shedding their enemies' blood, they are preparing to shed their enemies' blood. Such cultures understand relations only as domination and submission. To fail to annex their territory in war is to ask for perpetual war.
Jihad Featured Who sympathises with the Palestinians and how?* From time to time we heard about racist content in Palestinian textbooks, but were silent because we were afraid of accidentally linking it to Islam.
Israel Featured Orwell, Jabotinsky, Fascism and Islam - Part 5 I find it very hard to believe that Ze'ev Jabotinsky was not aware of the Führer's deference toward Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, especially after the end of WWI. The link between Islam and the predicament facing the Jews must have been coming at Jabotinsky from all sides.
Polemics Featured "Islam is not a religion," Answer to Lloyd de Jongh - Part 5 Religion makes it possible for the "scholars" to pervert the lay Muslims' humanity to such an extent that they are willing to kill their own children, yet are ready to die for God. If that is not a religion, then I do not know what is.
Jihad Featured Anatomy of a madness, Part 4 I read The Satanic Verses in the winter of 1996-97, unemployed and frozen, and again in the winter of 2014-15, Charlie Hebdo on TV 24/7. The third time was in that magical realist summer of 2020, with a fresh-ish MFA to my name, to study the work as art. 12 August 2022: the author survived.
Jihad Featured "Will Nupur Sharma ever lead a normal life? Should moderate Muslims speak up?" - A commentary - Part 3 Hindu talk of boycotting Muslim businesses is partly out of helpless despair, and partly out of an urgency to do something when they have no idea what to do. There is nothing either helpless or desperate about jihad murder. It is calculated, meticulously planned, and painstakingly executed.
Polemics Featured Words, propaganda and head of a newborn babe, Part 1 It is possible that this was not a crime, but it was most certainly not a "botched surgery," as some are so anxious to declare.
Totalitarianism Totalitarianism: we have become comfortably numb - Part 12 "a boot stamping on a human face, forever." — George Orwell.
Totalitarianism Totalitarianism: we have become comfortably numb - Part 7 Whether class struggle that must inevitably lead to the dictatorship of the proletariat, or “No one comes to the Father except through me,” or “until all worship is for Allah alone," the idea is the same: we act in accord with our purpose, the only way to real human happiness.
Totalitarianism Totalitarianism: we have become comfortably numb - Part 5 Were they not in such a parlous state, they would see that Zemmour is their very last hope to stop the slide towards the stark alternatives of either civil war or barbarism
Totalitarianism Totalitarianism: we have become comfortably numb - Part 4 An easy way to assess how Orwell “speak[s] to us in our own time with great urgency and topicality,” is by looking at the way we regard Islam, and to discern whether the decay of thought and the negation of being that Orwell sees in the civilisational breakdown we call fascism, is present in us.
Totalitarianism Totalitarianism: we have become comfortably numb - Part 2 Shari’a is evil, Islam is evil, the Qur’an is evil, Muhammad is evil: husbands may imprison, rape and beat their wives; parents may kill their children; men may rape children; a dhimmi may not defend himself against a Muslim; a divorced woman must be pimped out before her marriage can be restored…
Totalitarianism Featured Totalitarianism: we have become comfortably numb - Part 1 Free people slinked into the darkest crevasse, and there made themselves comfortable. George Orwell and Martin Luther King’s lives overlapped like father and son, and from the heart of darkness we know as Black Lives Matter, these two beacons shine from a Golden Age when truth was still spoken.
Israel Featured Israel: the worst thing that ever happened to Islam These countries are finally setting up national markets, with the attendant liberalising transformation. Arab states have an enormous task on their hands: restructure society away from Islam and towards freedom, i.e., modernise, and the key is Israel. It is a complete repudiation of Hassan al-Banna.