Totalitarianism Featured So you thought Corbyn was bad... When British police asked the public to report “hate crime” even if they have no evidence and even if no crime has been committed, we see the infrastructure within which “Islamophobia” makes perfect sense: if it's not a crime, it needs no definition. Control becomes arbitrary, power totalitarian.
Debate Featured Answering my critics, Part 1 I resolved to do as much damage to Islam as I possibly can, before a Muslim’s knife reaches my neck. This is much, much bigger than whatever personal experiences my critics imagine I must have had in Islam. They simply have no idea.
Apostasy Featured Had Orwell but known Islam. Part 5 The dhimmi is commanded to put his soul, good fortune and desires to death. Above all he should kill the love of life, leadership and honour. The dhimmi is to invert the longings of his soul, he is to load it down more heavily than it can bear until it is completely submissive.
Apostasy Featured Had Orwell but known Islam. Part 4 Doubt is the undoing of Islam, and the antidote to doubt is simple and obvious: remain a Muslim of strong faith. This means to never doubt, remain primitive and simplistic in thought, remain ignorant, and, above all, never trust your own mind.
Apostasy Featured Had Orwell but known Islam. Part 2 The truant boy was punished, but we, his classmates, were all implicated. Our gaze made his humiliation complete. The strong boys holding his bare soles aloft will be conflicted for the rest of their lives, unless they fully embrace Islam and own their deed, or leave Islam and find healing.
Apostasy Featured Had Orwell but known Islam. Part 1 The antithesis of Allah is, therefor, not the Devil, but the kufaar. Muslims hate the kufaar more than they hate Satan, a minor character in Islam. This says something about the relationship between Islam as religion and Islam as totalitarian system.
Jihad Featured Give the Qur'an to Jews! The bizarre situation in which Muslims are welcomed as citizens of Israel, but non-Halakhic Jews are seen as a threat to the state, is simply storing up trouble that can still easily be avoided.
Totalitarianism Featured Orwell, Jabotinsky, Fascism and Islam - Part 1 The process begins with tainting reality with the mark of the condemned: “2+2=4 reeks of white supremacist patriarchy.” From here it is a small step to 2+2= whatever the architects of Rubel’s mind decide it is today.
Jihad Featured Anatomy of a madness, Part 4 I read The Satanic Verses in the winter of 1996-97, unemployed and frozen, and again in the winter of 2014-15, Charlie Hebdo on TV 24/7. The third time was in that magical realist summer of 2020, with a fresh-ish MFA to my name, to study the work as art. 12 August 2022: the author survived.
Jihad Featured "Will Nupur Sharma ever lead a normal life? Should moderate Muslims speak up?" - A commentary - Part 1 Is there anyone on earth apart from Muslims, with whom something as natural as friendship goes hand-in-hand with life-threatening risk? Sure, between Josef Stalin and Adolf Hitler, between Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin. But what kind of friendship is it when you have to watch you back all the time?
Totalitarianism Totalitarianism: we have become comfortably numb - Part 10 “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day-by-day and minute-by-minute. History has stopped.”
Totalitarianism Totalitarianism: we have become comfortably numb - Part 5 Were they not in such a parlous state, they would see that Zemmour is their very last hope to stop the slide towards the stark alternatives of either civil war or barbarism
Totalitarianism Totalitarianism: we have become comfortably numb - Part 4 An easy way to assess how Orwell “speak[s] to us in our own time with great urgency and topicality,” is by looking at the way we regard Islam, and to discern whether the decay of thought and the negation of being that Orwell sees in the civilisational breakdown we call fascism, is present in us.
Totalitarianism Totalitarianism: we have become comfortably numb - Part 2 Shari’a is evil, Islam is evil, the Qur’an is evil, Muhammad is evil: husbands may imprison, rape and beat their wives; parents may kill their children; men may rape children; a dhimmi may not defend himself against a Muslim; a divorced woman must be pimped out before her marriage can be restored…