הקציר המר של עשרות שנים של כניעה מוסרית ישראלית

הקציר המר של עשרות שנים של כניעה מוסרית ישראלית
ב 7 באוקטובר 23 היה ניצחון למי שביקשו להשמיד את היהודים. הם המשיכו לזכות בניצחון הבא שלהם: הפיכת ממשלת ישראל לממשלת פושעים.

Editorial note: Dear reader, I have been struggling with L-R / R-L formatting and the result is never satisfactory. A friend has kindly volunteered to translate this essay from English to Hebrew. Currently, the best I can do to do justice to his work is to post it here as a series of images. It is not how I would wish to treat either my friends or my readers. I hope you will understand.


On 2 December 2024 at 19:52. Ban Dor A. wrote:

Hello Anjuli Pandavar

Thank you for posting this transition.

Is there a way that you can ask the company that gave you the software to use for your website how to upload the Hebrew language to the web with the information aligned to the right?

Best Regards
Ben Dor A.

On 2 December 2024 at 20:06, Anjuli Pandavar wrote:

Hi Ben Dor A.,

That's a good idea, especially as they have recently added an Internationalisation feature. I'll take up your suggestion. Thank you.

Best Regards,