Jihad Featured The bitter harvest of decades of Israeli moral capitulation When the most fundamental right Israel claims is only "the right to defend ourselves," she immediately concedes that everyone has the right to attack her. All else follows from this, all the way to the right of the ICC, a court that has no jurisdiction, to issue arrest warrants against her leaders.
Propaganda Featured The ICC attacks, J Street demands capitulation, others call for escalation dominance Instead of the old hasbara approach of explaining why the Prime Minister is not guilty of war crimes, Dr Lerner and several politicians urge for the exact opposite approach: using the ICC's move to dominate its escalation. Dr Lerner's intervention is enormously encouraging.
Jihad Featured Victory over jihad When one side is fighting a religious war and the other is not, then the one fighting the religious war will never lose, and will continue fighting, or at least resume fighting later, and will not stop until finally victorious. This can go on for generations.
Totalitarianism Featured Comparing Islam and Nazism: some common misconceptions The horrors perpetrated by the Nazis were concealed from the wider Nazi population for very good reason: they were not cruel enough to stomach it, despite their rabid anti-Semitism. This is why comparing Hamas to the Nazis makes no sense at all.
Jihad Featured Victory by the Moon: The symbolic game of dates* If Muslim holy days are repeatedly violated, the jihad army draws down onto itself the humiliating reputation of being unable to defend the sanctity of the holy days, or to punish those who violate such sanctity.
Jihad Featured Extraordinary opportunities call for extraordinary acts. Everything else is squander Utter destruction must be the fates of Hezbollah, the IRGC, the Supreme Leader, and the religious institutions in Qom. That would be adequate to the difference between a spectacular Trump election victory, and “an extraordinary opportunity that we were granted by the grace of God.”
Jihad Featured Sinwar joins the Hall of Shame* The significance of these figures’ demises is profound for the Arab world. Individually, each represents a failed promise—a leader who once inspired hope but ultimately only delivered humiliation. Collectively, they symbolise the limitations of the so-called “resistance”.
Jihad Featured $5 million of pure genius In the same way the Abraham Accords broke the taboo on marginalising the Palestinian Arabs, so Netanyahu’s $5 million offer will break the taboo on abandoning the struggle.
Jihad Featured While Israel fights Hamas, the ummah fights Israel Bullets and bombs are for battlefields, but when Israel is up against the entire ummah, that dimension is absent from her warmaking. Israel will win this war, but the cost will prove needlessly high. It is a religious war, jihad, in which the role of states is subordinate.
War of Restoration Featured The War of Restoration A war of annihilation was imposed on us, and we are responding with a war of rebirth.
Creative writing The poetry of Alexandra Troush Alexandra Troush is an Israeli poet and personal friend. She helped to get Murtadd to Human off the ground by translating Hebrew texts into English. I would like to introduce another side of Sasha to readers. Two of her poems are published below with her kind permission, and may be
Jihad Featured Hasbara does it again! Squandering the propaganda value of Sinwar's killing His final act on this earth was to give Israel the perfect transition from the sadness of 7 October to the joy of Simchat Torah, cancelling out his own life. Israel can capitalise on this fortuitous timing: assert the superiority of Judaism over Islam with another Biblical feat on Simchat Torah.
Jihad Featured Yahya Sinwar and the moral failure of the West No one ever had to make a choice between supporting Israel and supporting humanity. Standing up for innocent children, goes hand in and with destroying the terrorists who were killing them. October 7 was a dark, dark day.
Jihad Yahya Sinwar is dead! Right in the middle between 7 October and Simchat Torah. Incredible. THANK YOU, IDF ❤️ Mazel tov! Mazel tov! Mazel tov! Picture credits: https://goregrish.com/attachments/1000011654-jpg.830494/ https://freebeacon.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/GaF9EjsXYAAh0QR.jpeg Khaled al-Ahmad, Watan, 17 December 2023, https://www.watanserb.com/en/wp-content/uploads/
Jihad Featured Open letter to the people of Israel as the new year unfolds Yes, yes, I know you are not barbarians, but do you want to win against barbarians, or not? Go forth in audacious war, and hurt the Jihadist where it humiliates them.
Propaganda Featured Open Letter to the Jewish Community at Cornell University* You would be Muslim or Christian today, if your forefathers hadn't valued their dignity and self-respect. I assure you that most Israeli universities offer experiences as rich and intense as any Ivy League campus—at a fraction of the cost that burdens you and your parents.
Jihad Featured Nasrallah’s Death as the Shi’a see it* Ultimately, Nasrallah’s demise will be seen not as martyrdom, but as the fall of a leader who sought refuge from the very struggle he claimed to lead.
Jihad Featured Israel vs Iran: The targets no one is talking about, Part 2 First a brutal Arab Sunni dictator, then a ruthless Arab Shi'a tyrant, followed by a brutal Iranian Shi'a dictator. Diverse, yes, but they had one aim, to destroy Israel with the ultimate weapon, and a common ideology, Islam.
Jihad Featured Israel vs Iran: The targets no one is talking about, Part 1 Qom is where Shari'a is turned into state policy, where the nuts and bolts of the totalitarian terror state are dreamt up, and where the bureaucracy that codifies the legal enforcement of Islamic oppression is trained. The evil that kills so many springs not from Tehran, but from Qom.
Shanah Tovah Featured Shanah Tovah שנה טובה. I am writing this on the final day of Elul 5784, the last day of a year that can only be described as an annus horribilis for the people of Israel. The events of this month, and especially the last two weeks of it, very firmly promises the dawning of
Jihad Featured War did in 10 days what hasbara failed to do in 100 years: Arabs chant "Am Israel chai!" With both the Arab world and his nation behind him like never before, Prime Minister Netanyahu can capitalise on this energy, this momentum. There has never been a better time to apply full Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria, over Gaza and over Temple Mount, to unite religious and secular.
Jihad Featured 25 Elul 5784 On the last Shabbat of the year, a most fitting gift for Rosh Hashana to help bring a happy Simchat Torah 2024! Mazel tov! Comments: On 28 September 2024 at 11:58, Ben Dor A. wrote: 🤔 Are there any virgins left near Allah? Best Regards Ben Dor A
Jihad Featured ניצחון ע׳׳י השפלה מי שחושב ש"ההתנגדות" היא מאבק פלסטיני נגד "כיבוש" חייב להסביר מדוע חמאס וחיזבאללה, האחד פלסטיני, והשני לא
Zionism Featured "...but we were wrong." Eli Goldschmidt speaks It suddenly entered into my consciousness, how much we were enticed, and how much we were deceived.