Title change and update
Dear readers,
Over the last few weeks, you will have noticed a drop in my rate of publishing new material to the site. This is on account of major time-consuming changes at work that made it difficult for me to keep up the pace, leaving you with a drip-feed. Over the next month, as things start settling into a workable pattern, I will be able to devote more attention to my writing. I thank you for your patience and hope that you will keep coming back to the site. I also hope that the writing continues to be meaningful to you. If you have any suggestions for things you would like me to write about, please send them in via the Contact page. I will give every suggestion serious consideration.
In other news, my book, formerly The Muslim's Inner Struggle & The Apostate, now has a new title, Islam Destroys Muslims & The Apostate. I have my Polish translator, Andrzej Koraszewski, to thank for this brain wave, for it was his idea for a suitable Polish title.
If you have not yet subscribed to Murtadd to Human, I urge you to do so, as all new long-form essays are now available only to subscribers, and those are by far the best. Subscription is free.
Many thanks.
Best regards,
PS If you are in the southern hemisphere, enjoy the spring; if you are in the north, stay warm.