Thank you, Palestinians
The only problem is, your lies worked a little too well.

One year ago today, you thought that the Last Hour had come, when the great killing of the Jews would commence, and the trees and the stones would bear witness to their cowardice, and call you to kill them. It did seem that way. It certainly did seem that way. And you wasted no time, dropping everything to rush through the holes after your heroes, as they slaughtered and slaughtered and slaughtered... and you got your share of the spoils, oh yes, and the great retribution, as you think of it: you spat, you kicked, you slapped and punched and hit; you mocked, you cursed and you taunted, men, women, children, young and old, the sick and the wounded—it was like Jannah. Yes. You also butchered them and burnt them alive, like the masters of Jahannam. How you admired those whose sons had brought great honour upon their families. "Dad, mum, I killed ten Jews with my bare hands!" and a little of that honour rubbed off onto you, too, because you are Palestinian, and Muslim, and the killers did you proud.
You have special names for such days: intifada, nakba, and so forth. Do you have a special name by which you will remember 7 October 2023? If not, don't worry, you did the whole ummah proud with what you and your sons, brothers and fathers did that day. In your ummah, you are praised, of course. Even before you knew you were "Palestinian", the ummah exalted you, because it fell to you, even before you were given that hacked, non-Arab name, "Palestinians", to spearhead the Muslims' jihad against the Jews in Palestine. As the Jews were preparing to set up their "Zionist entity", your erstwhile Supreme Guide, Hassan el-Banna, made one thing clear:
We are not eager to have a parliament of the representatives of the people, or a cabinet of ministers, unless such representatives and ministers are Koranic Moslems. If we do not find them, then we must ourselves serve as the parliament. Allah and the religious councils will limit our authority so that no one has to fear dictatorship. We aim to smash modernism in government and society. In Palestine our first duty as Moslems is to crush Zionism, which is Jewish modernism. It is our patriotic duty. The Koran commands it.
Did your children learn about this in their Summer Camp? When they seized the moment on 7 October, the ummah rejoiced, finding affirmation in barbarism. One Muslim lady in the UK captured the euphoria well:
Nothing will ever be able to take back this moment of triumph. This moment of humiliation on behalf of the Zionist entity. Nothing. Ever!
Your moment of triumph, indeed!
You may not understand what I'm about to say, mired as you are in being Muslim, and worse than that, Palestinian.
To embrace the gift that is Israel, the Palestinians will have to cease to be Palestinians. I spend much time reflecting and writing on how tenaciously Muslim DNA clings to you, and how hard it is to shake Muslim emotions, Muslim thoughts, Muslim habits, Muslim instincts, sentiments and sensibilities. Many manage to leave Islam, but few manage to leave their inner Muslim behind. If there is one thing harder than being a Muslim, it is being an Arab Muslim, and if there is one thing harder than being an Arab Muslim, it is being a Palestinian Arab Muslim. Other Arabs can embrace Israel if the conditions are right. Palestinians can never. You truly are screwed.
So, where am I going with this?
Let's start with From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. That's just a catchy way of saying what Hassan el-Banna had said. One of his officials, Labib Bey, did better, though: “Our boys believe that by fighting the Jew, they will make a place for themselves in paradise. We will not leave Palestine until the last Zionist Jew is silenced.” Yeah, From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free of Jews.
And that's where you come in, isn't it? Your women give life to babies and dream of the day they will die killing Jews, insha-Allah. I understand the highest national honour in your "Palestine" is bestowed on the woman who has given birth to the most "martyrs". Martyrs! Straight out of antiquity! Such things were valued at a time when the Middle Ages still lay way off in the distant future. As Al-Banna said, "In Palestine, our first duty as Moslems is to crush Zionism, which is Jewish modernism". And now that there are "Palestinians", that first duty falls to you. And, oh, how eagerly you took it up on 7 October!
Why did the Supreme Guide Hassan el-Banna fear modernism so much, that it was the first duty of Muslims to "crush Zionism"? It's a rhetorical question. I don't expect you to answer it. But Jewish modernism has turned a resource-starved, 400-year neglected scrubland into a lush, vibrant paradise such as the Middle East has never seen. Did you attack those Jews on 7 October because you were envious, or resentful? Did you want to spite them for daring to live in prosperity and comfort while there is not a blade of grass in your streets, but everywhere is litter? Or is it because the Jews are supposed to be your dhimmis, like in the old days. When the Jews had no bombs, they dropped empty soda bottles from the few planes they'd managed to scrounge together, and five Arab armies scattered. Is 7 October about that? A grudge?
Never mind; don't answer that. You starved them in the attics of your homes while their people risked civil war to feed you, and still you kept trying to kill them. You and your heroes kept it up for a year, and now, the little piece of your precious Palestine that you had is one big smouldering ruin. Yes, yes, I know. You don't care for this life. "Life is not precious," to quote one of your honoured Palestinian mothers, whose baby's life the Jews had just saved. You are scum, Palestinians, the lowest of the low, the detritus of humanity. And you kept it up; you kept it up for an entire year. Sabr and all that. "Allah bought from the believers...," etc.
But then on Day 2, your other hero Arab army, Hezbollah, the best of the best, stepped forward to "defend" the Palestinians. From what! It was weeks before Israel entered Gaza. Why did they do that? Your heroes, Hamas, had, after three weeks, started telling the world that Israel was committing genocide in Gaza, starving and murdering Palestinian babies. You knew it was preposterous, but it worked. Everyone turned against Israel while Israel turned against herself. Alhamdulillah. And best of all, Hezbollah did not stop.
The only problem is, your lies worked a little too well. Hezbollah attacked a little too much. One year of your s0-called "Al-Aqsa Flood" and the Israelis finally decided they'd had enough. They united behind their Prime Minister and in ten days, TEN DAYS, destroyed the best Arab army there ever was. Their phallic Hitler salutes now seem rather poetic, given how the ten days began. Thanks to you, you now couldn't pay the craziest maniac terrorist to be the boss of Hezbollah. But that was not all that you achieved, was it. Your Arab brothers and sisters now call Benjamin Netanyahu "Abu Ya'ir", and "The King of the Middle East", and they chant Am Israel chai! The Jews have never been so united; Bibi has never been so popular. Thanks to you, Palestinians. All thanks to you. I'd say you messed up big time.
In August and September 2021, I wrote two essays: "Israel: The best thing that ever happened to Muslims" and "Israel: The worst thing that ever happened to Islam". They were written more in lament than in hope, of Muslims realising that Israel was their way out of an existence that has taken them nowhere for more than a thousand years. Not in my wildest dreams did I imagine, that a mere three years later, Palestinians, of all people, would create the conditions for Israel as "the best thing to ever happen to Muslims" to be realised.
In one year, your barbarism and your lies have broken the Muslim hatred of Jews. In one year, you have awoken the Syrian people to rise against their tyrant. In one year, you have brought the Islamic Revolution to the brink of collapse. In one year, you have seriously weakened your own patron, Russia. In one year, you have destroyed Hezbollah and Hamas. How much "Palestine" do you think will be left for you after Israel is done cleaning up the mess that has been the Middle East for the last fourteen hundred years? Yes, you know what I'm talking about. You have just put Islam onto its last leg. The Arabs dancing in the streets across the Middle East, finally see a real prospect for peace, and they see that it is with the Jews that they will reach a better life, a life that their tyrannical Arab Muslim rulers could never give them. Finally, you Palestinians have achieved the best thing of all: suddenly, to Arab Muslims, life is precious. There is no way the Jews could have pulled that one off on their own.
So, on this first anniversary of your barbaric attack on Israel, congratulations, Palestinians, and thank you very much. You're done. You do know that, right? But if you still want to keep up your tragic little war, you'd better head for what's left of your tunnels. And good luck!
Picture credits:
Bluewind - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Palestinian News & Information Agency (Wafa) in contract with APAimages, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Screenshots from Murtadd to Human
On 8 October 2024 at 10:45, Ben Dor A. wrote:
Dear Anjuli Pandavar
I hope that this article is also published in Arabic. If so, I would like to add the link to it when I share this article.
Another thing that I miss here is the redicule of Western university students who joined the masses of Muslims in the US, Canada, Australia and EU celebrating the massacre of Jews and the lies circulating on MSM about a genocide within days after the massacre of 7th Oct 23.
And the most ridiculous groups who joined these bloodthirsty parties and protests were the LGBT, Transgenders, Queers and Fatties for Palestine.
Best Regards
Ben Dor A