Propaganda Featured Is it Islamophobic to call out Ed Husain for his stance on "Islamophobia"? Part 2 Ed Husain does not see that "Islamophobia" is a club with which Muslims, the woke, and communists, together, have been bludgeoning the West into letting Muslims dismantle civilisation. Or perhaps he does.
Da'wah Featured Ayaan's da'wah, Part 2 The way to disarm these “Islamists” is not by encouraging so-called “moderate” Muslims to remain moderate, but by discouraging moderate Muslims from remaining Muslim.
Debate Featured Answering my critics, Part 2 Let us, first of all, be crystal clear about one thing: if I could become Jewish and Israeli tomorrow, I would seize the opportunity with both hands.
Debate Featured Answering my critics, Part 1 I resolved to do as much damage to Islam as I possibly can, before a Muslim’s knife reaches my neck. This is much, much bigger than whatever personal experiences my critics imagine I must have had in Islam. They simply have no idea.
Propaganda Featured Muslims must not debate, will not debate, cannot debate. Part 4 We have all seen Muslims bolt from debates at Speakers' Corner and heard them cut the call on Christian Prince's YouTube channel. When overwhelmed with evidence and unable to dominate, their centre can no longer hold, and things fall apart.