Just when you thought Britain has surrendered, ROSA PARKS!
I haven’t eaten since 5 a.m. Go home. Break your fast early. Wh—What?! Don’t you dare say something like that! Break your fast early!

Exercising his Muslim privilege, a fasting Muslim on a bus in Britain told a fellow passenger to sit somewhere else because he was fasting and could smell her lunch. I’ll let them take up this remarkable tale of national fortitude:
Excuse me. Excuse me.
I can smell that. Do you mind eating that somewhere else? I’m fasting.
That’s not my concern.
Yeah, but I’m fasting, though.
So why are you out?
What do you mean, why am I out?
If you’re fasting, you should be indoors.
Yeah, but—
I’m eating my lunch. Are you gonna disturb me?
Yeah, but it’s— I can smell it.
So what? It’s food. Of course you’re gonna smell it.
Yeah, but can you not just wait until you like get off the bus?
Please, don’t tell me what to do. You’re fasting, stay indoors and don’t come and bother nobody on the bus.
No, no, but I’m just saying—
I’m eating my lunch! What is your problem?
Because you’re right next to me and I can smell it.
Well, go downstairs!
Don’t you, don’t you think you should have manners and not eat inside the buses?
Go downstairs and leave me alone. It’s my lunch.
Ye—Ye—bu—like I said, I’m fasting and I can smell it.
That’s your business. Stay indoors.
What do you mean, stay indoors? I need to go out and—
When I fast, I don’t go out. Stay indoors. Read your Bible and keep quiet.
First of all, I don’t read the Bible. Second, do you know how I feel? I haven’t eaten since 5 a.m.
Go home. Break your fast early.
Wh—What?! Don’t you dare say something like that!
Break your fast early!
What do you mean, break my fast early? And you’re still eating. It smells.
It’s lovely!
I’m sure it is, but is—
You want some? Do you want some?
Are you being serious?
Yes. I’m happy to share it.
Af—After all I just told you.
I’m happy to share with somebody, because you’re clearly hungry.
We will fight them on the buses...
Picture credits:
Unknown author - USIA / National Archives and Records Administration Records of the U.S. Information Agency Record Group 306, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4344206
BiblioArchives / LibraryArchives - https://www.flickr.com/photos/28853433@N02/19086236948/, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=75604256