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This will only take a minute
Yes, it happened at the Olympic Games, very little, very late, but not too little, and not too late, a minute's silence was observed for the eleven Israeli athletes murdered by Palestinian terrorists at the 1972 Munich Olympics. The long-pleaded-for minute finally arrived during the Opening Ceremony of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, held in 2021. One minute, a silent one at that; a minute that did nothing and said nothing; empty, yet overflowing with meaning, had held up the acknowledgement of a tragedy, the naming of a crime, the according of respect, the giving of comfort and the affording of closure, to the loved ones of the eleven athletes murdered in the greatest perversion of the Olympic ideals to date. For forty-nine years, it was a minute that the Olympic Movement could not spare. Yes, it finally did happen at the Olympic Games. It is never too late.