Piles mounds heaps shoes glasses handbags cartridges empty cans of Zyklon B...

"I don't know what you're going to see. I don't know what I'm going to feel. But we are going to feel it together."

Piles mounds heaps shoes glasses handbags cartridges empty cans of Zyklon B...
"6:29: A Memorial and Commemoration Exhibition for the Nova Community," Tel Aviv Expo. Runs for at least two weeks. Entrance fee: ₪50

For a review of 6:29, see, "October 7 massacre rave victims honored in new exhibit," in The Jerusalem Post.

Picture credits:

Two screen grabs from "Chilling testimony regarding the Gaza's Hamas-Isis massacre of Re'im (Nova) music festival in Israel"

Creative Commons, PikiWiki Israel 12495 hall of names in yad vashem.jpg

Creative Commons, Auschwitz (10901130355).jpg

Creative Commons, Auschwitz - Zyklon B (10901222613).jpg