Muslims, our civilisation is not for you. Scram!

My advanced English course includes discussion of a video of the Danish National Symphony Orchestra performing the soundtrack to Sergio Leone’s 1966 film The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Unrelated to my course material, I happened to stumble upon a “reaction video” by Jamel AKA Jamal to this Danish video. Jamel’s t-shirt exhorts his fans to, “Just be a Good Human”, and everything about Jamel’s video says that a good human is exactly what he is. The irony of his name being associated with Islam, especially in the case of a black American, was not lost on me.

The Simchat Torah massacre on 7 October, and the subsequent Muslim celebration of it, made the barbarism of Muslims a subject for open discussion. Well done, Hamas. Jamel’s reaction video made me think of the Islamic prohibition on music, particularly women singing before men. Islamic websites, e.g., publicise the following:

If singing is accompanied by musical instruments, then it is haram to do it and to listen to it, whether it is done by a man or a woman, and regardless of whether the songs are romantic, motivational or religious. No exception is made from that except singing that is accompanied by the duff (hand drum) at weddings, on Eid, and upon the return of a traveller.

With regard to singing that is free of musical accompaniment, then if it is done by a woman in front of men, it is haraam. If it is done by a man, and he speaks of things that are permissible, then it is allowed, such as Islamic nasheeds that are not accompanied by music. Nevertheless, it is not appropriate to listen to it a great deal.

More than one of the scholars have stated that there was consensus on the prohibition on listening to music.


As for flutes, stringed instruments, and drums, there is no difference of scholarly opinions on the prohibition on using them, and I have not heard from any of those whose opinion carries weight among the early generations and the leading scholars of the later generations anyone who regarded that as permissible. How can that not be prohibited when it is the hallmark of the people of alcohol and evildoing and it provokes desires, corruption and promiscuity?


You can hardly find someone who is fond of listening to singing and musical instruments who is not traveling on the path of misguidance in knowledge and action, choosing to listen to singing over the Quran; he would feel burdened by listening to the Quran to the extent that he may ask the reciter to stop and get angry with the reciter when he recites too long for them. On the contrary, he would never have enough when it comes to listening to singing…

It is not unusual to hear of Muslims smashing musical instruments. Clearly Jamel, if he is a Muslim, pays no heed to this prohibition, let alone give himself over to the cultural destruction that would be expected of him. Good for him. He is too human for Islam. If he were a Muslim, it would be better for him to escape his monstrous religion while he has the chance. It might not be so easy once his fellow Muslims get it into their heads to turn up on his doorstep to “enjoin the right and forbid the wrong,” as their religion commands them to do. He is supposed to be a good Muslim, not a good human.

Muslims, if you watch this Danish orchestral performance and you “get like chills and stuff,” then leave Islam immediately. You are too human for that religion. Save your humanity before your fellow Muslims force you to kill it for the joys of their grim barrenness. And if you do not “get like chills and stuff,” then please remain Muslim. You are not human enough for our civilisation and we do not want you in it. We are not interested in changing our civilisation for you. Your values hold no appeal for us. Your conduct disgusts us.

To the rest of us, indulge Muslims and lose everything, everything.

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